In conversation about

Black Panther Woman

February 20th– Baltimore, MD

Mary Phillips presents Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins

Red Emma’s Bookstore, 7:00 pm, RSVP here

February 22nd– Washington, DC

Mary Frances Phillips discusses, Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins.

Politics and Prose, Union Market, 6:00 pm, More details

March 20– Detroit, MI

BOOK LAUNCH– Presenting Mary Frances Phillips and Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins

Book Talk, Source Booksellers, 6:00pm

March 13– Providence, RI

Book talk with Mary Frances Phillips and Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins

Symposium Books, 6:00 pm

March 28th– Chicago, Ill.

Mary Frances Phillips in conversation with Charlene A. Carruthers, discussing, “Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins.

The Seminary Co-op Bookstores, 4:00 pm, RSVP here